Crafty Writer’s Craft

This page is to hold great examples of writer’s craft. These will be examples from authors and songwriters.

Sitting at its center was a small, clay dragon, unlike any David had ever seen. It wasn’t a fearsome, fire-breathing monster, the sort of dragon that might capture medieval maidens. Nor was it a cutesy, cartoony sort of thing. There was a fiery pride in its oval-shaped eyes as if it had a sense of its own importance and knew it had a definite place in the world. Its tall slim body was painted green with turquoise hints at the edges of its scales. It was sitting erect on two flat feet and an arrow-shaped tail that swung back on itself in a single loop. Four ridged wings (two large, two small) fanned out from its back and shoulders. A set of spiky, flaglike scales ran the entire length of its spine.
David picked it up — and very nearly dropped it. “It’s warm,” he said, blinking in surprise.
-The Fire Within, Chris D’Lacey

As Alek watched, he realized that he’d employed the device in the most fumbling fashion, like a cat playing a piano.
-Goliath, Scott Westerfeld

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