Why Staying Home is Better Than Vacationing

“Whoa whoa whoa,” you might be saying. “That can’t be.” In this essay, I will argue that your own house is the best vacation destination in the world.

Ahhh, how good it feels to be back in your own bed after vacation! Back in your own house, your own room, your own stuff, not living out of a suitcase anymore. But why, then, is vacation so great? This is why you should just stay home.

For instance, when you go on vacation there can be lots of surprises. You can’t predict many things, such as the weather, that could seriously impact your plans. One minute you’re on your way to do something fun and—BOOM!—a thunderstorm rolls in. Or maybe it’s closed. Or—worst thing of all—the hotel is full and there is nowhere for you to stay, so you have to search late at night in somewhere unfamiliar for someplace to sleep. Yikes, right? Your entire trip can be ruined by what you don’t know and what you can’t control. Something can be said for staying home, then: no matter what happens, you’ve got a place to stay and something to do in the comfort of your own house.

In addition, you may have noticed that your parents (while you are on vacation), expect you to see people and do things. Who wants to do that? Can’t they just let you do something relaxing? It can’t hurt to just spend a little time laying on the beach, if that’s where you are. But nooooo. There are things to do! Places to go! A schedule to have maximum “fun”! No time to rest: we have to visit your aunt at 9:00, then go here, here, here, and here before 10:00, and then at 11:00, lunch. At home, you can do things on your time and your parents don’t have “plans”.

Being at home sounds much better than going on a trip because of many reasons. You always know how to turn on the shower. If it rains, you can still have a nice day. Dependable internet connection. Closets. With all of your clothes in them. But the best thing about a “home vacation” is that it is just as fun.


3 thoughts on “Why Staying Home is Better Than Vacationing

  1. I love vacationing at home! We’re spending all of Spring Break here, and I’m soooo looking forward to nine days of no schedules, no agendas, no visiting!

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